Parish Introduction

Parish Introduction

Saint Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church is a Christian community in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, serving families and other believers both in Emmaus and throughout the Lehigh Valley. The parish’s name tells a great deal about who we are:

  • The parish is named for the Holy Apostle Paul, which places the church under his spiritual patronage.
  • The parish is Antiochian, meaning that it is part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, the American presence of the ancient Church of Antioch, founded by Saints Peter and Paul in A.D. 34.
  • St. Paul’s is Orthodox, meaning that it follows the ancient, traditional Christian faith as given by Jesus Christ to His Apostles, and making the parish part of the worldwide Orthodox Church.
  • The parish is a Church, indicating that its sole purpose is the transformation, healing, and salvation of its members and all those whose lives it may touch.

St. Paul’s is the only Orthodox church in Emmaus, as well as the western-most Orthodox church in the Lehigh Valley, especially convenient to the East Penn and western Allentown area.

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