Antiochian Orthodox Organizations

Antiochian Orthodox Organizations

Ancient Faith Ministries

Ancient Faith Ministries exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through publications and creative media that educate, edify, and evangelize.

Antiochian Archdiocese Syrian Relief Program

Donate directly to the relief efforts through the Patriarchate of Antioch's humanitarian NGO, the Department of Ecumenical Relationships and Development (DERD).

Antiochian Heritage Foundation

The Foundation supports carefully structured planned giving programs that are aimed at preserving the Antiochian heritage for future generations.

Antiochian House of Studies (AHOS)

AHOS offers distance-learning programs in theology, featuring the St. Stephen’s Course (certificate), plus fully accredited master’s degrees (M.Div., MTS) and doctoral degrees (D.Min., Ph.D.).

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Women of North America

Antiochian Women is an organized sisterhood of women meeting in parish chapters for the purposes of fellowship and charitable outreach.

Antiochian Village Bookstore & Gift Shop

Located at Antiochian Village, the Bookstore & Gift Shop is operated under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese and offers a wide variety of books, CDs, icons, and other spiritual resources.

Antiochian Village Camp

A popular camping ministry, the Antiochian Village Camp is operated under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese in the scenic Laurel Highlands region of western Pennsylvania.

Antiochian Village Conference & Retreat Center

A popular Christian conference and retreat center, the Village is operated under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese in the scenic Laurel Highlands region of western Pennsylvania.

Chaplain and Pastoral Counseling Ministry

This ministry undergirds the chaplains and counselors of the Archdiocese through retreats, workshops, courses, and ongoing support.

Charitable Outreach Committee

This committee coordinates and oversees Food for Hungry People, The Children’s Relief Fund, and the Charitable Outreach Grant Program.

Christian Education

Through resources and networking, Christian Ed supports clergy, church school directors, teachers, and parents, in their work on the parish level. It also provides resources for the yearly Creative Arts Festivals.

Clergy Insurance and Retirement

This department oversees the policies and practices of the Archdiocese related to clergy compensation, insurance, retirement, and other resources.


This department works to build partnerships and outreach, plus public relations and media campaigns; and share the successes of the Archdiocese’s clergy, laity, churches and institutions.

Conventions and Conference Planning

This team oversees all of the conventions of the Archdiocese, including diocesan Parish Life Conferences and the Archdiocesan Convention.


The Finance Department safeguards, oversees and invests the assets, funds and endowments of the Archdiocese. It is led by the Treasurer-CFO.


The Department of Homeschooling promotes, supports, and unites homeschooling parents throughout the Archdiocese.

Inter-Orthodox and Inter-Faith Relations

The department represents the Archdiocese in ecumenical dialogue within the Orthodox context and throughout the broader Christian world.

Internet Ministry

Serving and administering the information technology (IT) needs of the Archdiocese.

Joy Magazine

Our mission is to educate, entertain, and empower young minds through stories, articles, and activities that promote the beauty and depth of our Orthodox Christian faith.

Lay Ministry

The Department of Lay Ministry engages clergy and laity in strategic seminars, consultations, and workshops that enable them to build up the Body of Christ within their communities.


This department provides online liturgical resources, and offers education and guidance as to most appropriate practice of liturgics.

Marriage and Parish Family Ministries

This ministry develops resources, offers enrichment, and encourages networks of support to foster healthy Antiochian Orthodox families and marriages.

Missions and Evangelism

Equipping existing parishes for ministry, and assisting in the establishment of new parishes.


Monastic communities of the Archdiocese in North America.

Prison Ministry

This department ministers to adult and juvenile offenders and their families and provides assistance to at-risk youth who are often on a path to incarceration.

Sacred Music

By publishing music and organizing workshops, the department supports mission parishes and provides a positive influence towards the creation of new works of liturgical music. The online music library is managed by Sacred Music as well.

St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology

The Academy offers online homeschool classes for K-12, covering all core subjects as well as Orthodox Christian education.

St. Athanasius College

St. Athanasius College offers online degrees in Orthodox Theological Studies, both at the associate and bachelor levels, as well as diplomas in Biblical Studies and Church Ministry.

Statistics and Credentials

This department gathers critical data about missions and parishes in order to determine each community's voting rights and standing. Additionally, it manages special offering trays and supervises the vote tally at each national convention.


To help parishes manage according to best practices, Stewardship offers resources for parish council members and other parish financial managers.

The Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch

The Order is a fellowship of clergy and laity who support the work of the Archdiocese and its ministries through generous financial contributions.

The WORD Magazine

Founded in 1905, The Word is the official magazine of the Archdiocese and circulates to all Antiochian households as well as other subscribers such as libraries and seminaries. It is published bimonthly, with the exception of the summer months.


The Department of Translations brings expertise in liturgics, linguistics, graphic design, page layout and church music, to the work of translating various Archdiocesan texts into English.

Western Rite Vicariate

The Vicariate is composed of over 20 churches who celebrate the divine services using Western European forms, while holding the full Orthodox faith in common with their brethren of the Eastern Rite.

Youth and Young Adult Ministries

This department integrates the spectrum of Archdiocesan programs for youth, including camping, Teen SOYO, Young Adult Ministry, and Christian Education. It also oversees the annual Bible Bowl and Oratorical Festival.

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